Academic Appeals

Academic Appeals

Academic Appeals

Students may file complaints if they experience or witness violations of federal or state law and University policies. The process for filing a complaint depends on the type of complaint being made. Specific information regarding how to file a complaint is outlined on the Student Complaints page.

Most issues can be resolved through the complaint process. However, if a student has filed a complaint related to academic matters and believes that the issue was not addressed fairly or properly, the student may file a formal academic appeal to the University’s Academic Standards Committee.

Grounds for an Appeal

Students must have grounds for filing an academic appeal. Not liking a decision that was made or a grade earned does not constitute grounds for an appeal.

An appeal is warranted for the following reasons:

  • You were impacted by a violation of established policies or procedures.
  • You have identified a miscalculation of a grade.
  • You have additional evidence attesting to extenuating circumstances that was not previously submitted or available. 

Process for Filing an Appeal

To file an appeal, log in to the Appeals Portal and click on the Academic Appeals Form. Complete the necessary information, uploading any supporting documentation required for your appeal.

Appeal turnaround time varies based on the type of appeal and the amount of information provided. Making sure your appeal is completely filled out and your extenuating circumstance documentation has been submitted will help the committee review it expeditiously. The committee will seek input from relevant faculty or staff and can reach out to these people in advance. You can also seek the written support of your instructor, adviser, and/or department chair prior to submitting your appeal, and attach that documentation to the appeal when you submit it.

The Academic Standards Committee meets bi-weekly during the fall and spring semesters. Your appeal will be reviewed in the committee meeting following your submission once all referrals and supporting documentation have been received.

Important Note: If you have been dismissed from an academic program but not the University, and you have documented evidence of extenuating circumstances that warrant an appeal of this decision, your appeal should be made directly to the program itself, not the Academic Standards Committee. The Academic Standards Committee responds to appeals of dismissal from the University. 

Contact Us

Stephanie R. Nesbitt, J.D.

Stephanie R. Nesbitt, J.D.

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
(315) 792-3122

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