Unofficial Withdrawals

Unofficial Withdrawals

Unofficial Withdrawals (non-attendance)

Any student who receives Title IV funds who stops attending his or her classes during the semester without officially withdrawing from the University is considered an unofficial withdrawal according to Title IV federal regulations. The University is required to return unearned financial aid to the federal government for all unofficial withdrawals in the same manner as students who withdraw officially. The student’s last date of attendance is used to calculate the amount of financial aid to return to the federal government. The funds returned to the federal government for unearned financial aid will be added to the student’s final bill.

A simple equation to explain the process is:

(% of term completed) x (total aid awarded) = earned aid

(Total aid awarded) – (earned aid) = unearned aid to be returned to federal government

For complete information about how unofficial withdrawals are processed, please contact Student Financial Services (315-792-3179).

Contact Us

Nicole Cornacchia-Morgan, M.S.Ed.

Nicole Cornacchia-Morgan, M.S.Ed.

122 White Hall
(315) 792-3407

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